Crane Flies

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Crane flies can best be identified as looking like large, oversized mosquitos. The species found most commonly in Massachusetts have two flights per year. The first adults usually appear in the beginning of May and the second in the first few weeks of September. Crane flies prefer wet conditions, so making sure your lawn does [...]
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Fall Lawn Fix Up

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Fall is the time of year that you should give your lawn the revitalization and repair it deserves. Treatments done in the Fall are investments in the lawns long-term health and overall appearance. They help the lawn to thrive throughout the year. Most people do not think to put so much time and energy into [...]
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Drought Conditions Affecting Your Lawn

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When temperatures rise and water becomes scarce, even the healthiest lawn can succumb to drought stress. Drought stress is common in Massachusetts where long stretches of dry weather can be accompanied with high temperatures, soil compaction, high winds and water bans. The combination of these conditions can result in lawns that are visibly stressed.  Signs [...]
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7 Benefits to a Healthy Lawn

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Did you know that managed landscapes including the everyday lawn also provides a host of benefits? What are the benefits of a lawn? Filters & Captures Runoff Grass slows down and absorbs runoff. Rainwater filtered through a healthy lawn can be 10 times less acidic than water running off a hard surface Reduces Heat Grass [...]
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