Category Archives: Weeds

Common Weeds that Grow in Massachusetts

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Clover: Clover is a broadleaf weed. It’s perennial, which means it will come back year after year. Clover grows in lawns and landscape beds. When it blooms, you will see white flowers. The structure of clover allows it to grow well and compete against other weeds. Dandelions: One of the most common weeds we see, [...]
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Is it Crabgrass or Paspalum (Dallis Grass)?

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Crabgrass and Paspalum are invasive weeds that are usually misidentified due to the timing of their growth and appearance. They both appear on your lawn once soil temperatures are ideal for germination/growth to start. As warm season grasses, they need heat and humidity to thrive. Identification Crabgrass is an annual grass. This means it will [...]
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Nutsedge is a perennial weed which over winters, meaning it will flourish year after year.  The root system is comprised on nutlets (like a bulb in your garden). These weeds stand taller than the grass in your lawn.  They are yellow to light green in color.  The key identifying feature for this weed is their [...]
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