Author Archives: Fresh Lawn Care

Is it Crabgrass or Paspalum (Dallis Grass)?

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Crabgrass and Paspalum are invasive weeds that are usually misidentified due to the timing of their growth and appearance. They both appear on your lawn once soil temperatures are ideal for germination/growth to start. As warm season grasses, they need heat and humidity to thrive. Identification Crabgrass is an annual grass. This means it will [...]
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Red Thread

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Red Thread is a foliar disease that does not affect the crown and roots of your lawn, simply put it is merely cosmetic. Symptoms of Red Thread appear as circular, pinkish red to tan patches, 2-4 inches in diameter. The pathogen produces a red or pink like structure which can be seen with the naked [...]
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Brown Patch

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Brown Patch is a fungal disease that appears as straw colored or brown circular patches ranging in size from a few inches to several feet. Also known as “Frog Eye” or “Fusarium Blight”, the symptoms of Brown Patch can closely resemble that of drought stress, but Brown Patch is usually identifiable by a dark purple [...]
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Moss Management

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Commonly mistaken as a weed, moss is a plant that does not kill grass.  But it does out compete it.  Moss can out-compete lawns when the conditions are better for moss than for grass. Moss prefers sites that have poor drainage and are shady and damp with acidic soil. Moss is also not a fungus, as mold is, another common misnomer.  Eradicating [...]
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Nutsedge is a perennial weed which over winters, meaning it will flourish year after year.  The root system is comprised on nutlets (like a bulb in your garden). These weeds stand taller than the grass in your lawn.  They are yellow to light green in color.  The key identifying feature for this weed is their [...]
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Dollar Spot

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Dollar Spot is a foliar disease that does not affect the crown and roots of your lawn, simply put it is merely cosmetic. Dollar Spot is characterized by small, round, straw-colored spots. Spots are generally 1-3 inches in diameter.  When the pathogen is active and dew is present, a white, cottony, or cobwebby growth is visible. The [...]
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Chilling Injury:  Spotty Leopard Print Pattern

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Are you seeing brown spots in irregular circular patterns in your lawn? Seeing spotty leopard prints and footprint-like spots in your grass after an early snowstorm or frost conditions? This anomaly is called “chilling injury”, and the reaction occurs with colder temperatures and heat dissipation. This does not happen often, but we witnessed this phenomenon [...]
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Chinch Bugs

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Chinch bugs are dark in color and have wings. They are almost microscopic in size, similar to the size of a sesame seed. The best way to tell in they are affecting your property is to look closely for movement in the lawn at the leading edge of the damaged area. Chinch bug damage often [...]
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Cicada Killer Wasps

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These wasps, despite their intimidating appearance, are really quite docile. They can fly all around you and never attack. However, we wouldn’t suggest you sit on one or try to crush one with your hands because then they may sting. Especially the females because they are known to have stingers, but the males do not [...]
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